Specialized Medical Centre in Endoscopy - Make a complaint


As a user (client, patient) of the health and social services system, you have the right to receive safe, quality care and services. If you are not satisfied with the care or service you have received, or if you feel that your rights as a user have not been respected, you can file a complaint with the ServiceQuality and Complaints Commissioner.

How to file a complaint

1) As a first step, we invite you to express your dissatisfaction to the staff or professionals who have taken care of you. You can also ask to meet the person responsible for the care or service concerned. By communicating your dissatisfaction to them, they can often intervene in a way that is satisfactory to you. In any meeting, you can be accompanied by a person of your choice.

Clinique Médigo is committed to improving the care we offer our users. You can also leave your comments in the suggestion boxes in the clinic's waiting rooms. Your various comments help us to implement improvement measures in our quality care approach.

2) Secondly, if your dissatisfaction persists, you can lodge a complaint with the Service Quality andComplaints Commissioner. The support of the Users' Committee (or Residents' Committee) may also be useful at this stage.

When can I lodge a complaint?

You can file a complaint with the Commissioner if you are dissatisfied with the care and services you are receiving, have received or should have received. You can also file a complaint about your approach to obtaining care and services. If your complaint concerns a doctor, dentist or pharmacist of the health and social services network, it will be forwarded to the Medical Examiner. The Medical Examiner deals with complaints in complete confidentiality, and informs the complainant of his or her conclusions and within 45 days, as stipulated in the Health and Social Services Act.

Complaint process for GMF General Medical Clinic and specialized care

Your complaint must be submitted in writing and deposited in the secure document repository on our website: cliniquemedigo.ca or dropped off at the Clinique médicale reception desk on the third floor.

You can also do so verbally by contacting the Clinic's reception desk, who will assist you in making an appointment with the Complaints Officer.

For the Specialized Medical Center (digestive endoscopy, urology)

By Internet: https://cisss-outaouais.gouv.qc.ca/la-voix-de-lusager/faire-une-plainte/

By e-mail: commissairesauxplaintes@ssss.gouv.qc.ca

By post :

Service Quality and Complaints Commissioner
105 Bd Sacré-Coeur
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 1C5

By fax: 819 771-7611

By telephone: 819 771-4179

Toll-free: 1 844 771-4179

If you have any questions, our staff will be happy to assist you.